tag dr heemmmaaa!!!
saye dipakse wat tagged nie!!!! ;P
sape lg kalo bkn bdk perasan umor 16thn tp lg tue dr ak 2....waka..waka..eh eh~~~
1. Thank and link the person that tagged you
since da ckp dipakse....kalo ckp thank a lot...nmpk sgt fake...tq ema...
http://cadburyslover.blogspot.com/ *dgn lg ala2 sayup2 jer background blog dier...*
since tgh dier tgh sedey *kne bambu pepagi yg nyaman dek kerane ujan lebat* so wat laa tag nie...(",)
kan bez kalo bole smbg tito!!!huhuhu...*sgt jeles ngan bdk2 kat umah...wei BGN LAA!!!
2. Tag 15 bloggers you've recently discovered and think fantastic
n those yg bce dis blog...kamu sumer di tag!!!
i LOVE...
3. Contact that blogs and let them know they've been tagged
already told itu cik emma@go mi nam@yayang ke babang ke...watever...
4. State 7 things bout yourself
.:cheese cake...*craving*:.
.:dark coklat...*teringat coklat kt umah*:.
.:tgk drama!!!!whole day ak static dpn laptop...:.
.:xpensive fast food ke...kedai mkn ke...in other word ak ske mkn!!!:.
.:hate MILK...anything come wif susu...uwekss...xcept coklat:.
.:nak iphone 4...luv gadget:.
.:nak kete bez...nk vios@city..sape nk kasi???:.